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HomeMembership Types and Dues


The following types of membership are offered by the CPA:


A person who meets at least one of the following requirements:
  1. is currently employed as a paralegal or performing duties of a paralegal nature (either full-time or part-time);

  2. has successfully completed a curriculum of training as a paralegal or is certificated or degreed by a university, college, junior college or other school but is not currently employed as a paralegal; or

  3. has been previously employed as a paralegal but is not currently working, regardless of whether such person has completed a curriculum of training as described above.

Any person seeking membership in this Association as an Active Member must submit, at the time of application, a résumé or biography of a nature sufficient for the Membership Committee to recommend, and the Board of Directors to approve, the application of membership. This paragraph shall not apply to renewing members.

Annual Dues - $50.00 for CPA's fiscal year June 1 - May 31.


A person who is not currently employed as a paralegal, is employed as a legal professional, but is not currently a Sustaining Member. Legal Professionals who meet the requirements for Associate Member status can be practicing and non-practicing Attorneys, Legal Secretaries, Process Servers, Litigation Support Professionals, Private Investigators, elected and appointed Court Officials, elected and appointed Judges, County Clerks, Court Reporters, Trial/Jury Consultants, Mediators, Compliance Specialists or any other similar position in the legal field.


Any person seeking membership in this Association as an Associate Member must submit, at the time of application, a résumé or biography of a nature sufficient for the Membership Committee to recommend, and the Board of Directors to approve, the application of membership. This paragraph shall not apply to renewing members.

Associate Members shall have all the privileges of this Association, except that they shall not have the right to vote or hold elected or appointed office.

Annual Dues - $30.00 for CPA's fiscal year June 1 - May 31.


A person who is either a full-time or part-time student in good standing in any university, college, junior college or other school pursuing a course of studies as a paralegal.


Any person seeking membership in this Association as a Student Member must submit, at the time of application, a résumé or biography of a nature sufficient for the Membership Committee to recommend, and the Board of Directors to approve, the application of membership. In addition, applicants for Student Members must submit verification of enrollment in a paralegal program. This paragraph shall apply to renewing members.

Student Members shall have all the privileges of this Association, except that they shall not have the right to vote or hold elected or appointed office.

Annual Dues - $20.00 for CPA's fiscal year June 1 - May 31.


A person who is not currently employed as a paralegal, but has been an Active Member of the Association in good standing for a minimum of three years. This includes those paralegals who retired and/or left the legal profession prior to the 2015-2016 membership year, but were Active Members for at least 3 years preceding their retirement. Eligibility for members applying for Emeritus status is granted upon the applicant retiring from the practice of the paralegal profession.


Any person seeking membership in this Association as an Emeritus Member must submit, at the time of application, a biography of a nature sufficient for the Membership Committee to recommend, and the Board of Directors to approve, the application of membership. This paragraph shall not apply to renewing members.

Emeritus Members shall have all the privileges of this Association, except that they shall not have the right to vote or hold elected office. Upon recommendation and approval of the Board, Emeritus Members can be appointed to advisory positions on the Board and on Committees.

Annual Dues - $20.00 for CPA's fiscal year June 1 - May 31.

: The CPA's fiscal year begins June 1st and ends May 31st. Dues are prorated after January 1st for NEW MEMBERS ONLY. Due to the nearness of the end of the fiscal year, applications for new or renewal membership for Active, Student, Associate and Emeritus Members will not be processed after April 1st for the current year, but will be processed for the next fiscal year, and full dues is required.


Any person, partner, organization or other entity interested in supporting this Association. Sustaining Members shall have all the privileges of this Association, except that they shall not have the right to vote or hold an elected or appointed office.


Please note this category of membership is normally used for law firms, companies or vendors interested in supporting the CPA. If you are a working paralegal, former or retired paralegal or a paralegal student, please review the other membership categories as one of those categories probably fits your status better than this one.

Annual Dues - $175.00 for fiscal year June 1 - May 31.

: The Sustaining member year begins on June 1st and ends May 31st. Dues are prorated after December 31st for NEW SUSTAINING MEMBERS ONLY. Due to the nearness to the end of the fiscal year, applications for new or renewal membership for Sustaining members will not be processed after March 31st, but will be held for the next calendar year.