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Job Boards



The Job Boards are a benefit to the Cincinnati Paralegal Association members.  To become a member and see our current jobs please use the Join button below.



If you are an employer seeking to hire a paralegal, you can place your employment listing on the CPA website for all the members to apply by using the below link.

Post a Job

If you are a Sustaining Member of the CPA, your posting is free of charge!

If you are not a Sustaining Member of the CPA, the cost to post on our Job Board is $75 per posting and will automatically expire at the end of three months.  If you wish to renew a posting for an additional month, you may do so for an additional $25.  
Alternatively, if you would like to become a Sustaining Member, the cost for the fiscal year (June 1st - May 31st) is $175.  Please use the Join button below.  Please note to pay with credit card you must pay through the PayPal link, but you do not need to login to the PayPal application to use your credit card to pay!  Scroll down until you see "Pay with Credit Card."


Please contact the Professional Development Coordinator at for more information.